Sports & Adventure Ministry
With project Serve, my life is filled with wonders

Track 1: Sporty & Adventurous

Equip to Serve

o Sports & Ministry - Are They Two Separate Matters?
o Ministry Strategy Through Sports - Is It Possible?o Leadership In Sports - Do You Have It?
o Rock Wall Basic Accreditation
o Physical Stamina Development

Engage in Lives

o Sports Exposure Clinics – Learn new sports E.g. pool, Tchouk Ball, Archery, Air Pistol & reach out
through these games!
o Adventure Expeditions – Conquer mountains & venture off the beaten track
o Neighbourhood Basketball Outreach - Sports is an international language! Oleh!

o Rock Wall Climbing Program - It's your turn to give the command.Assist Coaching in Schools
- Build your winning team

Encounter the Word

o Sports & Bible

Applying the Bible into sports. E.g. Where's the place of ethics? How to handle winning and losing biblically?
o G.O.S.P.E.L

Foundation: God's Only Son Provides Eternal Life - How to explain it to non-Christians?

Read More about PS08!

To find out more about the 5 exciting ministry tracks :) click on the links below

* Sports & Adventure Ministry *

* Performing Arts Ministry *

* Media Ministry *

* Youth Guidance Ministry *

* School-Based Ministry *

* Back to Project Serve *

Click on the link below to see what former project servants say about their involvement in Project Serve

* Project Servants' Testimonies *

Sign Up
Can't stand the thot of working from a desk the whole day OR being stuck to a chair the whole time? In our ENGAGE series, you will have loads of opportunities to go to where young people hang out, meet new friends and share your interests with them

Waiting for what?

Tarry no more, sign up for project serve08 now

* click here to sign up *

What does it take?

If you are a Christian and aged 16 years and above

* With loads of energy
* Seeking to grow in your area of interest
* Wanting to make the best of your talents
* Desiring to deepen your walk with God
* and Keen to reach the lost

Contact Us
For any further queries,

OR call +65 6-638-1964
OR +65 9-295-0506 during office hours

Organised by
Singapore Youth For Christ

Other SYFC Activities

* SYFC Website *